2,4-D and synthetic fertilizer (typically 13-18% nitrogen, 0-5% phosphorous, 2-5% potassium)
Second spring chemical treatment (Late April/Early May)
2, 4-D and fertilizer (13-15% nitrogen, 0% phosphorous, 5-7% potassium)
Fall fertilization with Aeration and Overseeding Turf (November)
Fertilizer (18% nitrogen, 24% phosphorous, 12% potassium)
Late fall fertilizer and chemical treatment (November or December)
Fertilizer (25-30% nitrogen, 0% phosphorous, 5-10% potassium)
2, 4-D
Pesticides used in ornamental spaces:
Acephate 97UP (.05 oz/gal): the EPA is particularly concerned about this chemical and children, who are exposed to it in exactly the same way it is used in Fieldstone Farms: "EPA found risks are of concern for homeowners and children entering homes and lawn areas treated with acephate," see page 2, http://envirocancer.cornell.edu/turf/pdf/acephate_red.pdf
Cross Check (.25 oz/gal): contains bifenthrin, a class C carcinogen, withdrawn from use by the European Union, currently reviewed for reregistration by EPA
Toxic herbicides used in beds to control post-emergent vegetation:
Prosecutor Pro (3 oz/gal)- non-selective herbicide
Toxic herbicides used in beds to control pre-emergent vegetation:
Snapshot 2.5G (150-200 lb/acre)- granular product applied during mulch installation: contains isoxaben, a probable carcinogen, see EPA info here - http://www.epa.gov/IRIS/subst/0339.htm